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I enjoyed this version of H20, but I really wanted to re-visit the old one, only to find out it's gone! Is there a chance it'll be brought back? I really want to experience it again...

I really enjoyed the first H20 game so can't wait to see how this one will turn out!

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I must say, I love every moment of this game! The soundtrack is amazing! It reminds me of Ace Attorney style, it puts you in that vibe where something huge is gonna happen, when a character shows up, etc. The story is so good so far! The character development of this game is gonna make you love every single one of them for a reason. I became so attach to Tamako, Kami and Maya that it hit my feels.

Every lover of survival games should play it. This is totally a game made of pure love and I hope we can get to see more of it until the end.

To everyone involve in the project, thank you for your hard work and keep up like that! <3

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Hi, is this game still in development?

Hey man, how is it going ?

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Anyways good chapter! Cant wait till the next one

Thanks for continuing to update. I watch every now and then for updates, so it's nice to see a new one. Best of luck.

aah this is so good! the soundtracks are fire and the characters are more improved and immersive! Great job Nick! (i almost had a heart attack at chapter one lmao)


omg you acually broke my heart at tghe end of chapter one like im sobbing all over my keyboard,,,,,, this was SO GOOD and i cant wait for chapter 2


I didn't expect this to be sooo good, I'm honestly suprised and really excited for the next chapter.

I'll try convincing my friends to play it, this game has inspired me to create my own story. Thank you.


I'm so hyped to play the next chapter !

Really good game


This game is very good.😃